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Sunday, February 19, 2017

HORTENSIA is ready.

After almost a year of investigation and work, and  many, many trials and errors, I could find a way to give my Crochet Elf Characters, a skeleton.

It can be improved still, but it works pretty good as it is.

It is a 3D printed skeleton.

I have worked hard to find a way to design it so it can be posed.

And I made Hortensia to try it.

You can find the skeleton files to print in CGTrader

And the tutorial with detailed instruction as to how to crochet Hortensia, how to assemble the skeleton, and how to put it all together is in ETSY.

And...   here she is....


  1. Qué maravilla... todos los detalles.... el ombligo.... el short y el top, los mocasines... y esa pose tan romántica de ojos cerrados!!!!
    Mil felicitaciones Flora..... No dejas de asombrarme en cada realización que hacés....

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  4. Gracias Susana!!! Y gracias por dejar comentario en el blog, que sos creo que la segunda persona. Eso me estimula a seguir trabajando.

  5. and she also blinks!!! Amazing!!!


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